通过DigitalOcean Kubernetes扩展应用程序以实现增长

news/2024/7/6 0:26:10

视频 (Video)

介绍 (Introduction)

Effectively scaling your SaaS is imperative to business growth. Once you have built your application, it’s time to prepare for growth in usage. When to scale up? When to scale down? What metric to track for scaling? How to scale? In this webinar, we answer these questions, and share examples of how SaaS companies use containers and DigitalOcean Kubernetes to create optimal architectures that can handle massive growth.

有效地扩展您的SaaS对业务增长至关重要。 构建应用程序后,就该准备增加使用量了。 什么时候扩大规模? 什么时候缩小规模? 要跟踪哪些指标以进行缩放? 如何缩放? 在本次网络研讨会中,我们将回答这些问题,并分享有关SaaS公司如何使用容器和DigitalOcean Kubernetes创建可应对大规模增长的最佳架构的示例。

目标 (Goals)

Join this talk to learn how to be scale ready, and how you can leverage the latest cloud-native technologies to effectively scale your SaaS.


议程 (Agenda)

  • Self-hosted vs. Managed Kubernetes

  • Benefits of Managed Kubernetes

  • Scaling with DOKS (DigitalOcean’s Managed Kubernetes service)

    使用DOKS扩展(DigitalOcean的Managed Kubernetes服务)
  • Live Q&A


关于主持人 (About the Presenters)

Peeyush Gupta and Saurabh Gupta are Senior Developer Advocates at DigitalOcean

Peeyush Gupta和Saurabh Gupta是DigitalOcean的高级开发倡导者

翻译自: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tech_talks/scaling-your-apps-for-growth-with-digitalocean-kubernetes



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